Project Submission form


Project Submission Form

    Submission instructions:

    We are excited to hear about your improvement project! Please complete this form to submit your project to the committee for review. The first part of the form is your contact information. Please fill in your name, email, and phone number. This information will only be used to contact you regarding your submission. Please also tell us the name of the company where you performed your improvement project. This is used to match your submission to your company’s subscription if applicable. The second section is where you tell us about your project. You may either submit a written report or a video (you do not need to do both). More details about your submission are given below. Lastly, please provide your consent. Once you hit the submit button your project will be sent directly to the review committee. If you make a mistake, just re-submit the form again with the proper corrections.

    By submitting you are attesting to the following:

    • The project submission is truthful and represents you own work and that the improvements were lead/made by you.
    • You have permission from any companies or people referenced to share this submission and any information about said parties.
    • You are not sharing any sensitive or private company information.
    • You consent to allow Continuous Improvement University to share your submission publicly and on their website as training material or an example submission.
    • You acknowledge that submission does not guarantee approved certification. If your submission does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected, and you will be given the opportunity to resubmit.

    Written Report Submission:

    Option 1 is to submit a written report. Please attach a Word document or PDF using the attach option above. Written submissions must be at least 2 pages or 1,000 words long. Your submission should include things such as: 

    • Introduction- overview of the project
    • How did you apply what you learned in the module?
    • What was the old process & why did it need improving?
    • What is the new process & how did you make it better?
    • Did you eliminate any steps? or Save time?
    • Was there any financial benefit from the project?
    • Conclusion- overview of the project results


    Video Submission:

    Option 2 is to submit a video. Please provide a link for viewing the video in the space provided (do not attach). Video’s should be 2-3 minutes in length. Videos longer than 5 minutes will not be accepted. It is usually easiest if you post your video to a service like YouTube or Vimeo and then provide the link here. Make sure the video access is set so we will be able to view it when clicking the link. The video should show or describe how you applied what you learned in the module and how you made the process better through your efforts. Please consider the following for your video:

    • Be creative. Make it fun and interesting.
    • Be sure to use a good microphone so audio can be clearly understood
    • Feel free to use music and special effects
    • Make sure the video is informative & demonstrates you mastery of the module.



    Once you submit your project it will be sent to the certification committee for review. Projects are typically reviewed within 14 days of submission at which time you will be notified if your project is accepted or rejected. Once all 4 projects have been accepted and you have paid your certification fee, you will automatically be sent your official CIU certification to the email address provided.

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